
Back  at the turn of the century eating meat was not a very fashionable thing to do – it was done in moderation, usually when you went to a restaurant or to a friend’s place for dinner.

So it was with much excitement that every Thursday night I would meet with my two brothers-in-law (while my better half was out of the house) and we would cook a meat meal. It was never anything fancy – usually sausages with mashed potato and frozen peas. The sausages would be courtesy of the Superior Meat Market on Ponsonby Road – run by a father and son team – Brian and Wayne. And bloody good bangers they were too. I never ate as much meat as I did in that and the subsequent year.

Our love affair with meat grew to the point that I registered www.meateaters.co.nz always with the idea of creating a site about, for and of meat. We even had T-shirts made – a limited run (of three) with a photo of our typical Thursday night feast.

The site will grow and evolve over time. If you have ideas for articles, or you have reviews of great meat meals you have experienced, or you want to talk about your favourite butcher, or meat retailer then add a comment to this post (or any other for that matter) and I’ll make contact with you via the email address you provide.

I hope you enjoy your time at Meateaters.